Have you tried solving one? Managed to solve two sides only? It is impossible to solve a fully scrambled Rubik's cube purely by intuition. It is way too many data for a brain to compute , only a computer can. But it does not mean humans cannot solve it, we just have to approach in another way. How? We use a set of algorithms or solution for different scramble to solve it. Thus we do not need to fully understand it to solve it but rather identify the signs and apply the right solution to it. Sound very difficult and time consuming, not really (explain more in the future). With enough deliberate practice, you can solve really fast in seconds and with better algorithm you can solve even faster. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is similar in many ways which (explain more into the future). Instead of using instinct or intuition, we use a set of skills to handle whatever "scrambling" problems we face. We do not need to fully understand the problem but just applying the right "algorithm" to it. The better the "algorithm" the easier the solve. Once you start solving or getting your wins in rolling, that is when it starts to get really fun. Experimenting different techniques through trial and error. At the end, Rubik's cube like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu may look complicated or difficult but it is not. Once you get hang of it, you will wish for more challenge. Do not be a stranger and join us for a FREE trial class.